NCSA Supercomputing Coloring Book
Now in its fourth edition, this popular outreach publication was created to appeal to both children and adults. It explains supercomputers and their uses as well as NCSA's contributions.

NCSA works with communities of researchers to develop tools like MAEviz, which provides policymakers with detailed predictions of the structural, economic, and social damage that could result from an earthquake.

The new Petascale Computing Facility will house Blue Waters, which is expected to be the world’s most powerful computer for open scientific research when it comes online in 2011. Blue Waters is a joint project of the University of Illinois, NCSA, IBM, and the Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computation.

Atmospheric scientists simulate the formation of dangerous storms, like this powerful tornado, to better understand when and where they will strike and to give people more effective warnings. NCSA’s visualization team created this animated tornado for a TV documentary.

Simulations help determine the ideal properties for ceramic bone scaffolds, that could help repair severe injuries.

Companies use supercomputers to design and refine products, from airplane wings to the spouts on ketchup bottles. Through its Private Sector Program, NCSA provides a competitive edge to business and industry partners.

NCSA’s computer security experts block malicious intruders and help law enforcement agencies fight cybercrime.

In a breakthrough molecular dynamics simulations, University of Illinois researchers modeled an entire organism (the tobacco mosaic virus) at the atomic level.

Supercomputers like Blue Waters need help to stay cool. Find a path through the maze of pipes so cool water can reach the supercomputer.

NCSA will process and archive massive amounts of astronomy data for both the Dark Energy Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. Can you help our scientist find the secret words hidden in the night sky?
50 Quick-Play Grammar Games
Selected pages from "50 Quick-Play Grammar Games," a book of board and card games for basic grammar skills. Written and edited by Paul Johnson, illustrated by Dan Wild, and published by LinguiSystems. I created 42 pages of illustrations of various subjects ranging from dinosaurs, to super heroes, to spaceships.
I've taken some of the photos featured below, the remainder were taken by Laura de Graaff of Laura de Graaff Photography.