Stories For Imaginary Friends: 50 Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi Stories And Essays by Daniel Charles Wild

Hey friends, I’m excited (and nervous) to announce that I have a new short story collection available. It’s called Stories For Imaginary Friends. It’s a collection of 50 fantasy, horror, and sci-fi stories and essays written over the last five years. I originally posted most of these online, where readers and narrators shared them far and wide. Currently, there are 60 fan-made multimedia productions of the most popular on YouTube, SoundCloud, and Apple Podcasts, with more in the works.
I’ve collected the stories, improved them, added new material, organized them by genre, and had the collection professionally edited. I created the cover art too! I’m pretty proud of it. The audience members you see are all characters from the stories—including me on the stage and my cartoon mascot giving me a thumbs-up.
This collection is book-ended by two essays about my experiences as a fledgling author. The forward is about the best movie in the world, and why it resonates so deeply with my creative journey. The afterword is about a personal loss, and the two discoveries that helped me rediscover the joy of writing after a 10-year hiatus.
In addition to the stories and essays, I’ve really put my heart into this book. It’s squished between the pages. If you read it, I think you’ll be able to tell. My cartoon mascot thinks so too. If you enjoy the book, please let both of us know by leaving a review on Amazon. While you’re there, check out my other books too! If you’d like to join my mailing list to get updates on future projects, drop me a line at dan@danwild.com. I’d love to hear from you.
Testimonial Ad for Stories For Imaginary Friends By Daniel Charles Wild

Hey real friends, I owe you an apology for subjecting you to this ad for my new book, Stories For Imaginary Friends, because you’re not my target audience—your imaginary friend is. Remember your imaginary friend, and how much fun the two of you had together? News flash: they didn’t disappear when you stopped paying attention to them; they’re still around, they miss you, and they’re who I wrote this book for. They want you to buy a copy so the two of you can have fun reading it together.
It’s available as an ebook, paperback, and hardback if you’re classy like that. To get a copy, click here.
You can also loudly demand a copy wherever books are sold. Make sure to tell the bookseller it’s for your imaginary friend. I’m sure the clerk will accommodate you as quickly as possible.
Pull Quote Ad Campaign For Stories For Imaginary Friends by Daniel Charles Wild